The Sentiment Analysis of a Phoenix Neo Bank is a project aimed at analyzing customer reviews and sentiments associated with the various features of the Neo Bank's mobile app and website. By applying natural language processing techniques and sentiment analysis algorithms, this project provides insights into customer satisfaction levels, identifies key product features, and visualizes sentiment trends.
The objective of this project was to understand customers' opinions and sentiments regarding Phoenix Neo Bank's, including its mobile app and website. By analyzing a collection of customer reviews, the project aimed to identify positive and negative sentiments, determine the most frequently mentioned product features, and assess overall customer satisfaction.
The project successfully showcased the power of sentiment analysis and data visualization techniques in understanding customer sentiments, identifying areas for improvement, and informing decision-making processes.
This project demonstrates my ability to collect and analyze customer data, apply natural language processing techniques, and visualize the results using Power BI. By leveraging sentiment analysis, businesses like Neo banks can gain valuable insights into customer sentiments, improve their products, and enhance customer satisfaction